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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 9, 2024

Default to original teacher for intervention escalations

Hi Ben. I thought I raised this here last year but I can't see it. Happy to talk through if this doesn't make sense? Thank you.

When escalating an intervention, would it be possible to change the default Teacher on the Add Intervention page to the teacher who set the intervention that is being escalated?

This will allow staff to see when the pupils they've issued detentions are present on their default intervention supervision landing page, even when those pupils are attending a detention that has been escalated.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Ben Dunford
    Sep 16, 2024

    Thanks so much - a quick catch up/run through would be really useful to make sure I understand the problem fully. I'll reach out via email shortly!

  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    Hi Ben. Yes, of course. The reason is to allow teachers to check detention attendance just for the interventions they have set before walking down to hold their restorative conversations. We had some frustration last year when teachers were walking down to detention to hold their restorative and pupils not being there. We have a work around, which at the moment is when the person escalates, they are escalating as the original member of staff so the intervention appears on their page. The 'red dot' is a useful reminder for P4 teachers for the pupils in their class who have an intervention but not for the teachers to attend for a restorative. If we could do a teacher version of the red dot, that may help? Happy to talk this through if it isn't making sense.

  • Admin
    Ben Dunford
    Sep 10, 2024

    Hi! The intervention escalation is designed select the current teacher rather than the individual teacher, so we wouldn't be able to change that functionality unfortunately, but we'd like to understand more about the problem. Could we ask for a bit more information about the problem that selecting a different teacher is causing?